Let’s Build the

Future Together

I am running for Congress to fight for and protect the rights of everyday Americans. We have let corporate greed and the interests of the wealthy few put a stranglehold on the rest of us. I want to fight for an America that guarantees all of its citizens paid time off, paid parental leave, healthcare, child care, debt free education, and a living wage. I believe in an America that will tackle problems like crime and substance abuse with evidence based solutions and not just cops and prisons. I believe in an America that invests in its infrastructure and rebuilds around people and not cars. I believe in an America where POC and members of the LGBTQ+ community have their rights protected. I will fight against gun violence, against climate change, and against fascist threats to our democracy. I want to help Indiana and our country live up to its potential and be the best version of itself for all Americans.

We are faced with a lot of battles ahead, but we cannot shy away, we cannot back down, we cannot concede our country to those who wish to grind us into dust under their heel. We are the many, we are the people, and we will be the people who live. I believe a bright future awaits us, but we must take that future in our own hands if we are to build the world we want to live in. If we choose to bet on ourselves, and know that we all deserve lives of comfort and dignity and respect, and not just the wealthy few, than we can build the future together.

